A DIGITAL Scaffolding Toolbar

My innovation artifact -ReadJoy- has two phases:
ReadJoy: Digital Scaffolding For Struggling Readers
First one is a digital scaffolding toolbar for struggling readers. This digital scaffolding toolbar including features such as concept mapping, highlighting, outlining, text-to-speech, dictionary, tanslation, annotation, and summarization is presented to struggling readers in a gamified environment which is similar to Wiki Game so that they will get motivated to read more and more!
MOOC for Content Area Teachers
Second one is a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) for in-service content area teachers at post-elementary levels. This MOOC includes tutorials that explain pedagogy of reading scaffolding and how ReadJoy is used, and offers some hands-on activities so that teachers will become knowledgeable about the merits of digital scaffolding and ready to use ReadJoy for struggling readers in their classes.