A DIGITAL Scaffolding Toolbar

My Research Plan
As my innovation artifact offers two different designs (ReadJoy and MOOC) for different target audience, I am planning to conduct two small studies so that I would have two different data sources, and then I will put the results together to see whether they confirm or disconfirm each other.
As for the MOOC, the target audience is in-service content area teachers who work at post-elementary levels. The study I am planning to conduct for the MOOC will be a mixed method one. First, I will give a diagnostic survey to content area teachers to find out whether they have struggling readers in their classes and what kind of problems they experience regarding their students' reading comprehension. It can be a 5-point Likert scale survey. After in-service content area teachers take the MOOC, I will make interviews with them to understand how the MOOC has helped them and to hear their feedback about the design.
For the scaffolding toolbar ReadJoy, my target audience is post-elementary level students who struggle with reading fluency and comprehension. This small study will also have a mixed method design. The intervention (ReadJoy) will be introduced to students by their teachers. After struggling readers use ReadJoy regularly for some time, I will give them reading comprehension tests to monitor their comprehension level. I will also interview with struggling readers to learn about their experience while using the ReadJoy and get their feedback.
After conducting these two small studies, I will put the data together to check whether the data coming from content area teachers confirm the data coming from students. As a result, I will be able to see the overall impact of my innovation artifact and whether it has mitigated the problems of both content area teachers and struggling readers.