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Duygu Umutlu

 (Download CV)

200 Rogers Road Athens, GA, 30605


Phone: 678 975 58 54



  • August, 2016- Present: PhD in Learning, Design, and Technology, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, USA

  • 2014- 2016: M.A in Educational Technology, Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey

                              Thesis: Effects of Different Video Modalities on Writing Achievement in Flipped English Classes​

  • 2004- 2008: B.A in Foreign Language Education (Major)

                                 Linguistics (Minor), Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey


Work Experience​

  • July, 2012- September, 2017: English Language Instructor, The School of Foreign Languages, Bogazici University, Istanbul

  • July, 2015- July, 2016: International English Language Testing System (IELTS) Speaking Examiner, IDP Istanbul

  • November, 2012- June, 2013: Cambridge Exams (Movers, Flyers, KET, PET)

                                                               Oral Examiner, British Council, Istanbul

  • September, 2008- June,2012: K-5 English Teacher, Hisar School, Istanbul


Research Experience

  • January, 2017- Present: RoboSTEM Research Team, University of Georgia, Athens, GA

                                                 Helping data collection



Umutlu, D. & Kim, C. (2017)Use of learning by teaching to scaffold pre-service teachers' critical reflection.

Manuscript in preparation.


Yuan, J., Kim, C., Vasconcelos, L., Shin, M. Y., Gleasman, C. L., & Umutlu, D. (2016). Engineering design practices

of preservice elementary teachers in robotics activity. Manuscript in preparation.


Umutlu, D., & Akpinar, Y. (2016). Effects of different video modalities on writing achievement in flipped English

classes​. Manuscript in preparation.


Koksal, H., Deniz, D., Yedekci, H., & Zengin, H. (2008). Bir demet etkinlik. Istanbul, Turkey: Marduk Publishing.



Umutlu, D. & Kim, C. (2018, April). Strategies for scaffolding pre-service teachers’ reflection on culturally relevant

pedagogy. Paper to be presented  at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) Conference 2018, NYC, NY.


Yuan, J., Kim, C., Vasconcelos, L., Shin, M. Y., Gleasman, C. L., & Umutlu, D. (2017, November). A qualitative

study of pre-service teachers' engineering design process. Paper presented  at the Assoc. for Educ. Communications and Tech (AECT) Intl. Conf., Jacksonville, FL.


Umutlu, D. (2017, March). ReadJoy: Scaffolding toolbar for struggling readers. Poster presented at Integrative

Research and Ideas Symposium (IRIS), Athens, GA.


Umutlu, D. (2017, February). Effectiveness of different video formats in flipped English classes. Paper presented

at Conference on Higher Education Pedagogy (CHEP), Blacksburg, VA.


Umutlu, D. (2016, October). Effectiveness of different video formats in flipped English classes. Paper presented

at Innovation in Teaching and Technology Conference, Athens, GA.


Umutlu, D. & Akpınar, Y. (2016, May). Effects of different video modalities in flipped English writing classes on

students’ writing scores. Paper presented at 6th World Conference on Educational Technology Researches WCETR, Antalya, Turkey. 


Umutlu, D. (2015, May). How to maximize learning through flipped classrooms. Paper presented at Bilgi

University ELT Conference-  The Post-Method Era in ELT, Bilgi University, Istanbul, Turkey.



  • March, 2017- AECT 2017 Proposal Reviewer for 'Teacher Education' and 'Design and Development' divisions

  • Spring, 2017- EDIT 4100S- Service Learning (Makerspace)

  • October – December, 2016- Volunteered in CCSD 21st Century Skills After School Program

                November, 2016- STEM Club, Burney-Harris-Lyons Middle School

                October, 2016- Literacy Support Club, Clarke Middle School


Awards & Recognition

  • August, 2016- May, 2018: Fulbright Foreign Student Ph.D. Scholarship, U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs

  • June, 2008: Graduation with High Honor - GPA: 3.85/4.00, graduated ranked as 3rd of the College of Education, B.A. in Foreign Language Education, Bogazici University

  • 2004- 2008: Turkish Ministry of National Education (MoNE) Scholarship 




  • Erasmus Intensive Program: Turkic Languages and Cultures in Europe- (February 13, 2007), Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey

  • King’s School Language Certificate (September, 2007), Oxfordshire, UK

  • Linguistics Certificate ( June, 2008), Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey

Courses taken: Intro. to Language & Linguistics I, Structure of Modern English, Intro. to Language & Linguistics II, Morphology & Syntax, Structure of Modern Turkish, English Turkish Contrastive Analysis, Phonology, Language & Identity.​

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